
Undergraduate students can also contribute by submitting relevant work! Our trained editors at Jacobs’ Journal (the student org hereby referred to as “JJ”) will work with you to help publish your own research reviews or undergraduate level original research*. You will receive a timeline of responses upon submission, and your submission will be subject to multiple rounds of peer review. Only material which follow the guidelines below will be accepted. Jacobs’ Journal reserves the right to make final decisions regarding style.

Click here to view a document providing guidelines regarding material eligibility for the types of submitted media allowed at JJ, including reviews, original research, and communications. Successful recurring submissions from a single author will be cordially invited to join the student org team as a regular writer.

Otherwise, please look into our student organization application process; Jacobs’ Journal consistently recruits within the first weeks of each quarter and has no minimum technical requirements. Show your interest by attending events and keeping updated with our progress. Each member of JJ has the unique opportunity to contribute and directly affect student org programs.

Submission Form